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Since 2012, Matsuyama Gakuen has a Japanese language school certified by the Ministry of Justice (Miyabi International Academy) that accepts foreign students from abroad. Many foreign students, including those from Southeast Asia, study Japanese at Miyabi Kokusai Gakuin and go on to university or vocational school.
And students who want to take care can go to Matsuyama Welfare College, which has a history of 30 years.
The educational foundation Matsuyama Gakuen supports your dreams with Japanese language education and care worker training.
Miyabi International Academy
School Corporation Matsuyama Gakuen, Miyabi International Academy
〒270-2223 Akiyama 71, Matsudo, Chiba, Japan
TEL: +81-47-392-2211
Reception Time: Mon~Fri 8:30~17:00 (Japan local time)